Local Bus Lines


Find the bus service for your area and click on it to display the phone number to call for information on how to qualify for Paratransit.  Also, ask if you need a photo ID Card. Some take a passport photo and offer a custom card.


Greater Bridgeport Transit Authority

Greater Hartford Transit District

Estuary Transit District 

Housatonic Area Regional Transit (HART) 

Middletown Transit District (MAT)

Milford Transit District 

Northeastern Connecticut Transit District

Northwestern Connecticut Transit District 

Norwalk Transit District

Southeast Area Transit District (SEAT)

Windham Region Transit District (WRTD)


CT Transit


This page will let you type in your destinations to find the bus for you




Connecticut Paratransit


The purpose of the Paratransit Application is to determine eligibility for Connecticut complementary ADA Paratransit service. If you have a disability that prevents you from using the public transit bus service in Connecticut, you may be eligible for ADA Paratransit service. ADA Paratransit is a shared-ride, advanced reservation, origin-to-destination service for persons with disabilities who are unable to use the public bus service because of their disability.  Be advised, some cities and towns have their own forms, so please contact the one in your area first.  Here is the Paratransit Application


Connecticut Paratransit Service Providers contact information



— The Connecticut Epilepsy Advocate Foundation is a recognized 501 (c) (3) Nonprofit Organization. —

(203) 874-8731​